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Your info is very fascinating.
post Published by: Carlton - 7 Mar 2022, 4:28:54 PM
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post Published by: Niehus - 7 Mar 2022, 4:27:55 PM
Scalp Micropigmentation is a practice that has been in use since the 90s.

However it only received acceptance in the last few years. The process is known under a variety of names, such as: SMP, Medical Hairline Tattoo, Scalp Tattoo, Medical Hairline Restoration or Hair Micro Pigmentation Treatment. No matter what the name is the procedure is the identical.
The procedure involves the use of an extremely fine needle that has the same shape and size as a hair follicle to infuse pigment on the scalp. The scalp is home to around 2000 hair follicles per square inch. Hence it is the Artist will need to tattoo thousands microdots into the scalp, that creates the appearance of fresh shaved hair, or a Buzzcut.
The result looks natural, and it is more secure and a better alternative to hair transplantation hair plugs, toupee or hair wigs. Leaving no scarring and healing within days, not months or years.The consequences of losing hair in both sexes both male and female, can have devastating consequences on one's self-esteem, self-confidence, appearance and sexuality.
Many people are embarr*****ed by having thinning hair, bald spots, or any other form of baldness. They have searched for numerous "cures" for baldness, including: Hair growth serums, Hair Transplants and Hair Growth Shampoos and conditioners, hair plugs, etc.
only to be very unhappy with the outcome or lack of. You should embrace the fact that you are bald, but not need to be a slave to it. By having this type of treatment, you will achieve the appearance of having a fresh shaved head or buzzcut instead of looking completely or partially bald.
The appearance of this look is Bold as well as confident and attractive. This procedure has shown to increase confidence and self-esteem, and also give people a fresh outlook on life.
post Published by: Wyatt - 7 Mar 2022, 3:57:49 PM
Thanks a bunch! It is an great web site!
post Published by: Jeffery - 7 Mar 2022, 3:47:19 PM
Your stuff is incredibly helpful.
post Published by: Niklas - 7 Mar 2022, 2:53:10 PM
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